Everyone will want to hold the new arrival, and that’s hard to deal with while your Mama Bear instincts are in full throttle. The easiest way to appease your germ phobia is to have designated hand sanitizer stations throughout the house. When someone asks to hold the newbie, all you have to say is, “Of course! The hand sanitizer is right over there!” Keeping hand sanitizer in a convenient location also acts as a good reminder for you to slap on a little now and then between diaper changes*.
Good places to stash the sanitizer:
· By the front door
· By the changing table
· Guest bathroom
· Your bedroom/bathroom
It’s also a good idea to carry a mini bottle of sanitizer in the diaper bag for when those inevitable complete strangers insist on grabbing Baby’s hand in the grocery store. That’s always fun. J
*Don’t forget to keep hand sanitizers out of Baby’s reach. Those little buggers will get into anything close by.