Friday, May 18, 2012

Organized New Mom Tip #27: Place a Lighted Clock within Eyesight of Where you Nurse/Feed/Rock your Baby

It’s not like you won’t figure this one out pretty quickly on your own, but I’d thought I’d spare you the hassle of that disorienting middle of the night feeding when you’re sitting in the dark wondering if you’ve been rocking your little one for  10 minutes or 2 hours.
This tip is also very helpful if you prefer to nurse your baby on a set schedule and for a certain amount of time. Don’t bother with a watch; too often you’ll dislocate your shoulder pivoting your arm just enough so you can simultaneously check the time and not wake your baby or disrupt him from nursing.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Organized New Mom Tip #26: Choose a Convenient Nursery Hamper

There are tons of adorable little fu-fu nursery hampers out there, but don’t be quick to just pick up the hamper that coordinates with your nursery set. With as much quality time as you’ll be spending with your baby’s laundry, it’s essential to find a hamper that you’ll hit it off with from the start.  I find the following qualities in my son’s nursery hamper irresistible:
·  Lightweight-This way you can just lug the whole hamper to the laundry instead of dragging dirty burp cloths and onesies behind you in your wake.
·  Handles-for the same reason as above
·  Vinyl or Easy-Clean Lining-You’ll want to give it a quick wipe-down and Lysol spray every now and then.
·  Fits Where you Need it to-Mine nestles perfectly and secretly in my son’s closet.
·  Cheap-There’s so much selection it isn’t hard to save a few bucks.
·  Neutral Color-That baby blue hamper with clouds and stars isn’t going to grow well with Baby. Do you really want to buy a new hamper every time your child’s bedroom décor changes?

 My perfect nursery hamper-not much to look at, but it does the job