Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Organized New Mom Tip #31: Use Resealable Canisters for Baby Cereal

Once your little one is old enough to try baby cereal, you’ll quickly understand true frustration when it comes to measuring out the right amount from that little “convenient” spout they add into the side of the cereal box. When you pour the baby cereal grains, there’s always a bit that gets stuck in the top corner of the box, and when you set the box back down, that small trapped amount is liberated to settle quietly like new-fallen snow over every surface of your kitchen.
Use large air-tight canisters for your baby grains and skip this inevitable curse, and don’t forget to label them if you buy more than one type of baby cereal. Those little suckers all look exactly alike.
Note: I just spent 3 days trying to upload a video of my son trying baby cereal for the first time. Alas, my efforts were fruitless.  It was adorable and cute. Instead, I’ve included a link to some useful baby bibs that are essential when you feed your baby his grains for the first time. These bibs, while awesome, are not as adorable or cute as the video. Sorry.